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Nella Lombardia bergamasca e lecchese dei giorni nostri, Leonardo lavora in un ristorante e aiuta occasionalmente la madre nella gestione di un negozio, ma sogna la musica. Non distante da lui, Elia segue un percorso di studi che i genitori disapprovano, e lotta per rivendicare il proprio diritto a seguire le sue aspirazioni. I due giovani non si conoscono, ma un inspiegabile fenomeno li metterà in contatto rendendoli sempre più vicini, pur nella distanza. Un delicato incontro tra anime, lontano dalla concretezza e dalla fisicità tipiche delle tradizionali storie d'amore. Un misterioso signore, pochi amici fidati e una sorella premurosa li accompagneranno in questo difficile ma appassionante viaggio alla scoperta di sé stessi, nel tentativo di realizzare i propri sogni e, forse, anche il proprio destino.

Tigran incontra Arsen mentre sta scappando da alcuni ragazzi che gli vogliono far male per il suo orientamento sessuale. Da questo momento parte la storia dei due ragazzi e della loro unione sentimentale. HAPPY END si ispira alla tragica e vera storia di Arsen e Tigran, due ragazzi armeni che si sono lanciati da un ponte assieme dopo aver subito vari abusi per la loro sessualità. Il cortometraggio si ispira a questo tragico epilogo proponendo una fittizia storia d'amore tra i due dando un particolare sguardo non solo al dramma, ma anche alla dolcezza e alla bellezza del loro rapporto.

Alex, Tom and Sara escaped from the abandoned madhouse looking for a safe haven.
In front of them stands a city full of doppelganger and the organization, together with its horde of monsters, holds humanity in its grip.
Jay Elizabeth and Deniel, left behind, meet a rebel faction of the organization that seems to want to topple it from the inside.
All the pieces are on the chessboard, the final battle is upon us, will the 6 boys succeed in dissipating the darkness with their light?
In front of them stands a city full of doppelganger and the organization, together with its horde of monsters, holds humanity in its grip.
Jay Elizabeth and Deniel, left behind, meet a rebel faction of the organization that seems to want to topple it from the inside.
All the pieces are on the chessboard, the final battle is upon us, will the 6 boys succeed in dissipating the darkness with their light?

Giorgio, a boy abandoned by his parents, pursues his dream of becoming a director, helped by his uncle Severino, who has followed him since his birth and the desire to show serena (the girl he loves) his talent, find a way to be able to present his work to a production company, to try to resume the real Morcc de la scabla: a superstition according to which the deaths of the plague in the lower Bergamo in 1630 come back to life to perform a procession that brings them to the church to them consecrated, Giorgio needs this legend to be able to break into the world of cinema, but he does not know that sometimes legends have a bottom

Genos, an advanced form of extraterrestrial life, comes into contact with humanity and begins a work of genocide and purge of the human race: the intent is to restore galactic perfection, contaminated by our impurity.
All human strongholds are destroyed but one last tries to resist: the only hope for human beings to survive as a species.
One night, a lieutenant of the human army at the head of the last human stronghold is suddenly summoned by his superiors, a strange interrogation begins.
GENOS is an adrenaline-fueled short film where the ending is not obvious, where the difference between being human and not is really subtle, will you be able to discover its hidden truth?
All human strongholds are destroyed but one last tries to resist: the only hope for human beings to survive as a species.
One night, a lieutenant of the human army at the head of the last human stronghold is suddenly summoned by his superiors, a strange interrogation begins.
GENOS is an adrenaline-fueled short film where the ending is not obvious, where the difference between being human and not is really subtle, will you be able to discover its hidden truth?
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